viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

When I grow up ...

Hello everybody ! Today I'll talk about of my old and new aspirations .
When I was a child probably I wanted be a fireman or singer  (I don`t remember) .Then (when I was twelve) I wanted be a comic book artist ( in fact I still draw in all my copibooks) but with time I lost the interest in the comics.
One day , two years ago I decided to do with my future : be a vet . But .. Why be a vet? First because I love animals and be a vet is a reconfort job : a vet can save the life of an animal and help to do a better life for it . Other reason for be a vet is the contact with the nature .. I love the nature and I think if I`ll be a vet I could help to conserve it.
In Chile the vets (generally) don't earn much money but for me the money isn't very important. A lot of people think only in the money but I think that the personal satisfaction is most important .
Study for be a vet isn't easy ... the time is reduced and I must made a sacrifaces but I don`t imagine me study other career.
I think that the veterinary medicine is a form that give back to nature all that it give us.
Good bye !!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Gabriel,

    To give back what nature has given to us... That's something good. Everybody should think in a similar way :)


  2. Hi!
    Yes, it's very hard be a vet student.
    I also love nature, is part of what I like about veterinary medicine.
    Well, money is so important. xD

    Greetings =)

  3. Hi!, jajajaja fireman, jajajaj, would have been a sexy fireman. Share your point of view.
    bye gabo see you
